Monday, September 22, 2008

Exporting from oracle 9i on nt4 domain caveat number 2 (NTRights.exe)

In order to get an oracle export out of oracle 9i on an nt4 domain you need to create an oracle user that corresponds to a windows domain user who has administrative rights and also the right to "logon as a batch script" boy did this ever throw me for a loop. Fortunately after a few hours of google searches I came across the following documentation... looks like windows administration isn't all point and click! I imagine you need to do this on 2000/2003 still as this documentation is for those flavors. I can attest to the fact that it does work on nt4.

(I pulled this from:

(Microsoft mentions it here

NTRIGHTS.exe (Resource Kit, 2000/2003)

Edit user account Privileges.

NTRIGHTS +r Right -u UserOrGroup [-m \\Computer] [-e Entry]

NTRIGHTS -r Right -u UserOrGroup [-m \\Computer] [-e Entry]


+/-r Right Grant or revoke one of the rights listed below.

-u UserOrGroup Who the rights are to be granted or revoked to.

-m \\Computer The computer (machine) on which to perform the operation.
The default is the local computer.

-e Entry Add a text string 'Entry' to the computer's event log.

Below are the Privileges that can be granted or revoked.
All are case-sensitive.

Privilege Meaning

SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege Replace a process level token
SeAuditPrivilege Generate security audits
SeBackupPrivilege Back up files and directories
SeBatchLogonRight Log on as a batch job


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